My beloved children

My beloved children

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Through the eyes of a child

"At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children."- Matthew 11:25

The Holy Spirit is always wanting to speak to us. But so often, I miss what He wants to share with me, because I busy myself with so many things. Some days I find it harder to just sit and listen from Him then it is to be busy doing things, yes even good things. But I believe with all my heart that this is the secret to an intimate, living relationship with Jesus. I must spend time with Jesus listening to Him and also sharing my heart, dreams and desires with Him. But that is not the only time He speaks to me. It's not just when I am quiet, alone in my room. I've realized that Jesus uses so many different ways to speak to me, if I only am attentive all through out the day for His soft whisper.

Since being home, I've been given so many great opportunities to visit churches in the surrounding community to share about my ministry in Jeffreys Bay, and also about my financial need for living in South Africa and doing full time missions. It's not always an easy and comfortable thing to speak in front of churches asking for money and support, but God has been teaching me so much each and every time. He's teaching me it's not about the money.
It's about Him.
Everything, it's about Jesus.
If I am obedient, He will provide everything I need. I have found a new joy in sharing with churches about South Africa. Because I am seeing that no matter where I go. Jeffreys Bay, South Africa. Or rural Flandreau, South Dakota. People need Jesus. People everywhere are hungry for something real, something tangible, something that satisfies. Though many don't know what they are looking for, they are looking to fill the aching hole inside of them. I've seen God use the stories of my dear friends and children in South Africa to change the hearts of people in Midwest America.
But God hasn't stopped there. He is using the children in Midwest America to speak to me. God often speaks to me through my children at Ithemba, rather it be through Leafy with her arms raised in worship to God, or through the big hugs and smiles I receive each time I see my children.

Today, He used 7 year old Aliyah at a local church I shared at. During my presentation during the service I had shared about a young girl I disciple and mentor that gave her life to Jesus recently and was baptized. After the service I spoke with many people from the congregation, all adults with lots of questions about South Africa, the area I live in, the weather, and the history of the country. All things that are so great to know! Well, after a while the the people started to wander away, and a little girl approached me.
"Hi!" she said.

"Hi! How are you?" I asked.

"Good. I have a question. What is the name of the girl that got to know Jesus?"

I was so surprised. Did she just ask that? I thought to myself. Quickly, I answered her question telling her the name of the girl and we continued to talk about many things. But her question has stuck with me til now.
I thought about all my conversations this morning at the church. And there was so many wonderful conversations with great people. But this conversation with 7 year old Aliyah was different.
She had heard me speak about many things, but this is what stuck with her.
A girl that came to know Jesus.
I thought about the past week and how I've been struggling with worry about finances and the unknowns about the future, but this little girl put everything in it's place.
Jesus is all that matters.
Jesus is the answer.
South Africa is important. Weather, history, and wild African animals are important.
But in comparison to Jesus they are worthless.
In Matthew 11, Jesus says that He has hidden these things from the wise and learned. You know the people like you and me that think so often that we have it together :) And He has revealed them to little children. Children like Aliyah that aren't worried about things like finances, status, tomorrow, but just see Jesus. It reminds me of the old, beautiful song:

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.

My prayer is that like 7 year old Aliyah I will turn my eyes on Jesus and when life gets busy and I want to worry about the future, I will remember:

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Safe and Sound

Two days I spoke to my close friend and roommate Thando from South Africa and excitingly told me that she had found Jonathan just the other day. She was walking in town and just happened to see him. She talked to him for a little bit and he said he had arrived back in Jeffreys Bay about a month ago. She told him I'd be back soon and couldn't wait to see him. I was more then happy as I thought about next month when I arrive back to my South African home that I'll be able to see Jonathan and give him a big hug, and won't have to try and search for him in a prison home for teenage boys.
Now today came the big surprise when I went to the mailbox and found an unexpected package in the mail from Thando. I quickly tore it open to see what possibly could be inside waiting for me. And this is what I found

This was the best present I have ever received! Tears quickly came to my eyes as I looked at this priceless picture of Jonathan all grown up, but still with the same sweet smile I know.
I immediately picked up the phone to call Thando to thank her for the wonderful present. She laughed as she told me she wanted to keep it secret that she had gotten the chance to take this photo with him. She said when she asked him if he wanted to take a picture,he was so excited and also took his own copy with him:)
I praise the Lord for moments and blessings like these. This was truly medicine to my heart.
Thank you Jesus for being the defender of the fatherless and orphaned.