My beloved children

My beloved children

Saturday, March 20, 2010


I want to first start off by apologizing to all my friends, supporters and family for the long time gap in my blog posts. Life here in South Africa, is jammed pack and by the end of the day I have little engery to write:) I have so much to tell,so I will try to let you in on as much as I can about what God is doing in my life and here in jbay.

Many people ask me what an average day in LXP looks like. Well, there is no average or normal day in LXP:) It's africa! Most days we start with worhip at 9am and then have our teachings by Pastor George Mwanza. The afternoon times really vary with what we do. Some afternoons are more teachings and others are ministry times with the DOGS(Disciples of God).
DOGS is our primary ministry- it was started by George and Michele Mwanza my leaders in LXP and is a youth program on Thursday afternoons. The kids come dance, sing, hang out, worship, have small group time and prayer. I lead my own small group, and have about fourteen 8th graders. It has been a very good and challenging experience. This last week, the Holy Spirit really spoke. I really sensed the Holy Spirit telling me that I was suppose to share with the kids the salvation message instead of diving deeper, they needed to know what a relationship with Jesus Christ was. The Holy Spirit totally took over, I didn't use the material I had, but let Him led. I trust the Lord planted seeds in their hearts as they listened to the story of the cross. These kids come from so many different home circumstances. Neglect,abuse, achocol. They face struggles every day; sexual relationships, crime, drugs, achocol, cheating, failure at school, poverty, and very unstable homes.
The Lord has contiuned to show me how He wants to use these students to bring revival to Jeffreys Bay. Brokeness is the beginning of revival. In these students brokeness may Jesus bring revival to their lives and let it flow into their community.
I must share with you what is so heavy on my heart. Last night we had a all night youth event at the center for the DOGS. While I was there one of the leaders in the DOGS spoke about the danger in the community tonight. Men from Nigeria had come in and are in Jeffreys Bay. They were going to schools, and around the community searching for young girls to take back to Nigeria to use for sex slaves. I felt my heart quicken and my spirit start praying. Jeffreys Bay? My kids? This injustice has been heavily on my heart for months, but never has it been so close. Right here where I live in this small community men are walking around taking girls as their slaves. Lord, bring justice to these men I pray. May His blood cover each girl in this community. Please brothers and sisters pray. This is happening. It's a reality. It's not just something you see on tv or movies, its happening. Today.

Please pray for the students in the DOGS as well. Pray their hearts would have a thirst and hunger for Jesus and that the desires of this world and evil would be gone. Pray for divine protection over them emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Hidden in Christ